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Data Room Software as a Tool for Closing Deals Remotely

Data Room Software as a Tool for Closing Deals Remotely

Virtual data room is a platform where dealmakers can store and share the necessary information with the ability to collaborate on it to close deals remotely. Unlike other cloud-based resources, this type of software guarantees a high level of encryption and safety of data. It gets more attention nowadays with businesses going completely digital.

New Realities and Remote Work

Due to the pandemic, we were all forced to work from home. The business needed to continue, aided by virtual data rooms that allow large transactions to be conducted remotely. Adapting to new conditions of work with all the restrictions is a challenging task for the majority of businesses. No industry will be the same again, so the transition to a digital environment is unavoidable. Considering the fact that data is the main asset of any modern company, changing the way to share it to a more convenient and secure one is the first step of the adaptation process.

Use cases for software from data room providers:

Advantage of Executing Transactions from a Virtual Data Room

We have mentioned only several common use cases of data room services. The choice of VDR for closing deals makes sense due to the number of vital benefits you get:

  1. Reducing the factor of human error. Around 52% of all data breaches are the result of human error, according to a CompTIA study, while IBM reports claim this number to be a staggering 95%. With VDR, the administrator has full control over data, which minimizes the mistakes;
  2. Decent encryption of the information. Email or unsecured cloud data storage is unsafe due to the threat of hackers. Virtual data room providers create software that guarantees the safety of data, thus eliminating breaches;
  3. Reduction of costs. Using the reviewed software, companies/interested parties can get rid of expenses on in-person meetings and management of physical documentation;
  4. Increased speed of operations. With processes like M&A, data checking and editing take a considerable time. Therefore, the majority of VDRs allow working with Word/Excel files within a website. Everyone who has access to the room can adjust the documents and the platform will keep track of all the changes.


The pandemic has shown the tendency of businesses to go completely digital, with transferring all the operations to Internet platforms. Online data management is the first step of the transactions, which is why data room services cannot be overlooked. Their functionality includes safe encrypted storage of information as well as tools that allow all the users with access to collaborate on it.

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