
Sadly the best product or business isn’t always the most successful. Ecommerce websites can find themselves buried in bad rankings and low traffic from social media. But every business has to start somewhere, so finding the right strategy is key to putting the brand on the map. Here’s a look at 5 ways to improve your eCommerce traffic.

Engaging Social Content

Continuous pushy sales posts aren’t the way to convince followers to place an order with your brand, and it won’t help with gaining new followers either. Posting relevant content to re-engage with users is the key to increasing your following. Depending on your niche, you can post competitions, amusing content, or something a little most unique. This will help users share your content and interact with their followers.

Basic SEO

While SEO can be a complex strategy to implement, the basics can be completed by anyone with time. Using a keyword tool, you can learn about what exactly users are searching for in your industry and add metadata to your website. Each page of your website has a meta title and meta description section that is visible on SERPs (search engine results page) this is key for helping Google understand what your web page consists of. Another proven way to ensure a good customer experience, boost conversions and increase dwell time on your website is by having a product recommendation quiz.

Content is also essential, obviously and eCommerce website imagery is the key selling tool, but sadly Google can’t read images. Unique product descriptions, category content and alt text descriptions are all ways to boost the amount of text on the website, as well as offering users more information about your products.Top web hosts for Linux are also the best ways to increase traffic to your site.

SEO Agencies

Starting a new business is one of the most time-consuming things imaginable, and while SEO is an essential factor, having the time to research and implement everything might not be possible. Instead, you could invest time into reviewing agencies to see which can provide you with the essentials at an affordable price. The good thing about agencies is that the prices can start fairly low, but as you can imagine less time will be spent on your website. But you can get the ball rolling and make SEO a long-term strategy if you’re not financially ready to take a bigger risk on investing in it. Plus if you are a new website, you don’t want your demand to overtake your stock too quickly, so beginning your SEO strategy slowly and finding your target market is more ideal.


You might think that your images are only really used for the website, but it’s essential to have striking imagery for your social platforms. But your product will be seen there first and if the quality or design isn’t up to scratch, a user isn’t going to continue on to browse the website. An efficient eCommerce product photography will influence your online store’s conversion rate and revenue. Professional cameras, photoshop, and graphic design are all essentials to enhance your product.

Web Development

While it’s not part of an SEO and traffic strategy directly, web development is vital for every e-commerce website. From the user experience to the speed and how SEO can be enabled on the website, it all comes down to how a developer has designed the website’s structure.MangoMatter Media can help you handle your website very effectively.

It’s a very technical area and if you’re unsure of anything on the website you can have SEO or Technical audits completed to highlight development areas that need to be addressed. Web and app developers are an essential part of any website, so it’s best to find reputable companies to work with.

Social Advertising

While SEO targets the most qualified users (people directly searching for keywords linked to your product) it’s also important to run campaigns on social media channels to build brand awareness about your product. Especially if you have an expensive price point, users need to gain trust in a brand and commonly need to see it five to ten times before they commit to a purchase. So by running brand awareness social adverts users will be familiar with your brand and/or product before they visit the website.


Remarketing is a clever way to re-engage with users who have visited your website. Adverts are displayed via social media or on other websites to advertise to users again, you can use this to promote a discount or build trust with the visitor by increasing the number of times they see the brand or product.


The time of getting a great return for influencers is well and truly gone unless you’re smart about how you use them. While influencers will certainly give you great brand awareness depending on the number of followers they have, the price of influencers has massively increased in recent years. So if you think influencers are the best choice for your products specifically, be sure to use influencers in different circles with different followers, as many tend to have similar followers if they are for the same tv show or reality program.


There’s no guaranteed way to increase your website’s revenue but following the above will increase your traffic. The most important thing to take away is assuring yourself of your target traffic that is likely to place an order. Focus on your demographic when it comes to any form of paid marketing, using specific keywords, and creating tailored campaigns with social.

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