Home Education How to Interest Kids in Technology

How to Interest Kids in Technology


Nowadays, everything is happening online, and it has become essential for everybody to be able to use and navigate around different technology platforms. But how do you get your children into technology?

Make It Fun

There are loads of ways that you can make technology sound fun. You could start working on projects together as a family and do things such as playing educational online games, setting up a family blog, creating your own YouTube channel, or streaming movies and videos together.

There’s plenty of child-friendly sites for your children to explore and learn with, whilst getting used to how to operate computers and other technologies. 

Some may see technology as quite a daunting thing. But if your child uses a phone, tablet, or computer to play games on or complete their homework with, they are already a few steps closer to knowing how to use tech. 

Make It Funinvest In A Portable Computer

Investing in an easy-to-use portable computer will help children learn the ways in which technology works, and start expanding their skills as they work their way through simple projects. A good staring point could be the Raspberry Pi, an all-in-one device that is great for beginners and advanced tech users alike. 

Work Alongside Them

Helping them to figure out the technology, working on the same or similar project yourself, or getting the whole family involved is a great way to show your child that you are interested in their passions. It’ll also help you see how beneficial it is for all of you, no matter the age. It’s never too late to start learning about tech! 

You’d be surprised how much you can learn together, and it also helps to have a few different minds looking at the same puzzle, as you’ll be able to program it a lot faster. This is a great way to spend quality time with your children and expand their knowledge of the tech world.

Sign Them Up To Clubs And Summer Camps

If you don’t feel comfortable teaching your child about tech or feel that your knowledge is limited and would like them to get the best support, there are plenty of after school clubs and summer classes that can help.

You can even look at signing your child up for an online course in the comfort of their own home. Great for keeping them busy and entertained during those 6-week holidays, and they’ll come away from it with a brand-new skill. 

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